Environmental Cleaning

Pressure washing is a great way to increase curb appeal, spruce the exterior of your commercial property, and create healthier environments for visitors to your property. However, some people believe that pressure washing is terrible for the environment. Eco-friendly pressure washing has many benefits that can lower your overall carbon footprint. At Sun Brite Services, we understand how a good exterior cleaning can help your business be environmentally sustainable. Here are a few reasons you should go for green pressure washing on your commercial property.

Quicker Cleanup

Pressure washing is a fast way to clean various large surfaces. Because of this, less energy and water are used, unlike other techniques, including manual cleaning. It may seem like pressure washers use a lot of water; however, only 25% of water is being used compared to other methods that save your business a lot of money on water bills.

Sustainable Detergents

While there have been many harsh detergents used for pressure washers, there have been several advancements in biodegradable alternatives that clean just as effectively. By using these, you avoid the spread of harsh chemicals and potentially inhaling air-borne toxins. Many high-end, hot-water pressure washers don’t always need detergents to clean and disinfect your property.

Protecting Local Watersheds

There are laws set in place for wastewater throughout the country to protect local watersheds and ecosystems. When you opt-in for green pressuring washing contractors, they need to acquire necessary permits. This means the contractors take all the steps required to reclaim wastewater to capture oils, dirt, grime, chemicals, and other pollutants.

Eco-friendly pressure washing has many benefits. Besides being a quick cleaning solution, it reduces the use of harsh chemicals and helps to improve curb appeal, all while staying away from any harsh chemicals. At Sun Brite Services, we pride ourselves on sustainable cleaning habits. Contact us today by calling to find out how we can clean up your property!

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